What trees can I find at Parkhall?
Here at Parkhall, we pride ourselves on the quality, value and variety of plants we have to offer. From rare shrubs and trees to our huge range of home-grown bedding, you're sure to find the perfect plants for your garden. Because our range is constantly changing, the best way to view what we have to offer is by visiting our centre.
Hundreds of trees for gardens of all sizes!
We display one of the largest selections of trees of any garden centre in Cambridgeshire, stocking well over a hundred different varieties of native and ornamental trees with specific varieties available for order in the autumn.
We grow the vast majority of our trees on site, representing fantastic value for money. Our 2m trees start from as little as £35. This great value carries through to our larger specimens, as most are grown-on on site, offering trees anywhere from 2-6m in height, perfect for instant screening.
Our range includes Acers (maples), Betula (birch), Cornus (dogwoods), Crategus (ornamental hawthorn), Carpinus (hornbeam), Eucalyptus, Fagus (ornamental beech), Liquidambars,(Sweetgum), Magnolias, Prunus (ornamental cherry), Malus (crab apple), Pyrus (ornamental pear), Populus (poplar), Sorbus (mountain ash) and many many more.
Delivery is available for larger trees, please see our services page for more details.

'Grow your own'
Our fruit tress are available either as small patio standards or 2m tall trees, and include apples, pears, cherry, apricot, quince and plum trees. Other fruit trees are available to order in October.
We also offer soft fruit bushes from January onwards, with everything from blackcurrants to Tay berries.
Delivery is available for larger trees, please see our services page for more details.

Jump into 'Grow your own'
The vast majority of our vegetables and herbs our grown in the UK, and we offer an extensive range of vegetable plants from March through to August, with many available to order week on week. From as little as 95p, your new vegetable patch will be full of new plants in no time!
This range is accompanied by a fantastic variety of herbs, with many more unusual types readily available. Tender herbs are available from mid-April onwards, and hardy herbs can be purchased all year round.